To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Call for volunteers to assist with ISCCC response to EIS for light rail stage 2b to Woden

In the next few months, the ACT Government will issue an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in relation to Light Rail Stage 2b to Woden, and the ISCCC is seeking relevant expertise in the community to respond to the many issues covered by the EIS. Our focus will be on putting together a submission that is objective, evidence-based and relevant.

ISCCC Response – Canberra Brickworks Precinct Access Road and Dudley Street Upgrade

A comprehensive plan is required for existing congestion at the Dudley Street/ Novar Street  roundabout, the Adelaide Street off-ramp to Kent Street, the Kent Street/ Denison Street intersection, as well as the Adelaide Avenue/ Hopetoun Circuit intersections and the Dudley Street upgrade, should not proceed in isolation of these other requirements.

Incorporating Active Living Principles into the Territory Plan

Incorporating Active Living Principles into the Territory Plan – consultation and drop-in session The ACT Government is seeking comments on Draft Variation to the Territory Plan number 348.  This DV proposes to  incorporate active living principles into the Territory Plan. Active living is seen as a way of life where people integrate…