Ban on Appeals on Public Housing
The Griffith Narrabundah Community Association has written a letter to the editor of the Canberra Times regarding the ACT Government proposal to ban appeals against public housing developments
The Griffith Narrabundah Community Association has written a letter to the editor of the Canberra Times regarding the ACT Government proposal to ban appeals against public housing developments
The ISCCC has made a submission to the Standing Committee on Environment, Planning, Transport and City Services re Inquiry into the procurement and delivery of MyWay+.
An article by Committeee member Dr Beatrice Bodart-Bailley on the new human right to challenge heat islands has been published in City News See: Come and hear more at our AGM and forum on 25 November. For more information click here
The ISCCC has sent personal letters to each elected Inner South MLA congratulating them on their election and providing them with a copy of the ISCCC Incoming government brief. To see the generic letter
The ISCCC has written to Mr Rattenbury MLA regarding the ACT Greens Housing Policy.
25 November 2024 Public Forum and AGM 7.00pm to 9.00pm 7.00pm Come and hear the ACT Human Rights Commissioner, Dr Penelope Mathew, talk to us about changes to the Human Rights Act, particularly around the right to a healthy environment. She will talk about the Commission’s role in scrutiny of…
The ISCCC has made a submission on the Draft Plan Amendment B: Forrest – Section 19 Block 9 (Italo Aus Club site).
A big shout out to all the candidates who came to our election forums for Murumbidgee on 24 September and Kurrajong on 30 September. We greatly appreciate that you took the trouble to present your policies to us in person.
The ISCCC has written to the Minister for Transport on e-scooters in support of the Advocacy for Inclusion
Minister Steel has written to the ISCCC in response to their letter of 24 February about their concerns with the new planning system.
It’s been another active period for the ISCCC since my last newsletter, so here’s a summary of the main news. I am very grateful to my fellow officers, Deputy Chair Anne Forrest, Treasurer John Edquist and his Assistant Paul Russell, Secretary Kathie Potts
and her Assistant Deb Price. A special call out to Anne, who has progressed matters very well during my two absences overseas, and as ever to Kathie Potts who shoulders a huge amount of background work for all of our activities with great skill. Thanks also to John Edquist, John Bell and David Johnstone for assistance with IT issues as we have moved towards dual online and in person delivery. And to other members of the Committee, including Richard Johnston, for the various ways in which they have progressed a number of ISCCC events and submissions.
‘Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate has replied to a request for information by the ISCCC.