If it is approved by the ACT Government, the proposed waste transfer station just off Ipswich Street in Fyshwick will have a significant effect not only on residents of the inner south, but on all those Canberrans who shop in Fyshwick. Offensive odour from putrescible waste is likely to affect shoppers at the Harvey Norman store, the Fyshwick markets, and other nearby locations. People living in Narrabundah and those who occupy the planned East Lake development will also be directly affected by smell. The addition of 230 trucks a day (one arrival about every four minutes) will increase existing congestion along Ipswich Street and along Canberra Avenue. Birds attracted to food wastes may increase the risk of bird strikes, because the facility is only 2.5km from the flight path to the main airport runway (international guidelines are that waste transfer stations should be no closer than 3 km to an airport). Toxic fumes from fires are also a real possibility.
Please have your say by submitting your views on the proposal to EPDCustomerServices@act.gov.au by 27 June 2018. Even just a couple of lines will indicate to the Government that locating the facility in Fyshwick is just a plain bad idea.
The following is some more information about the proposal, as presented by to a concerned meeting of residents on 31 May 2018 by Leo Dobes of the Griffith-Narrabundah Community Association.