As a peak group the Inner South Canberra Community Council usually focusses on high level, strategic issues that affect the amenity of and quality of life in our suburbs. But it is good to remember that the things we take for granted about our local environment are often hard won through the efforts of committed local residents.
Most recently, we have seen the ACT Government reverse its previous decision to remove grass from one of our favourite places in the inner south, Green Square. This was the result primarily of efforts by local traders and members of the Kingston community.
Now, a group of dedicated Deakin residents, chaired by Angelo Zorbas, worked hard to secure government agreement to the naming of ‘Rosemary Dobson Park’ on the corner of Strickland Crescent, Norman and Lawley Streets in Deakin.
Now the group is seeking to raise money to upgrade the Park’s facilities and is holding a quiz night this Saturday (2 November) at the Canberra Deakin Football Club. Please consider supporting this worthwhile event which will help improve a little piece of our suburbs, and recognises Rosemary Dobson, a great Australian poet. To reserve a seat, please phone 6285 4701.
While on affairs local, I took part in the annual National Trust walking tour of a part of the Blandfordia estate in Manuka a couple of weekends ago. I had no idea of the wonderful history right on our doorstep. Canberra may only be a hundred years old but already has a marvelous garden suburb heritage that we should all cherish.
On the same day, Shane Rattenbury MLA paid a personal visit to look at some of the development issues affecting Symonston and enjoyed afternoon tea with locals at Callum Brae homestead. Again, this is an example of local residents doing their bit to preserve their little piece of our national capital.
Best regards to you all
Gary Kent