To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Chairman’s Chronicle Column

On Friday 13 September the Inner South Canberra Community Council and a deputation of Symonston residents met with Shane Rattenbury MLA to express concerns about the proposed establishment of a new animal care and protection facility at Symonston, which will combine the functions of the RSPCA and ACT Domestic Animal Services unit. Mr Rattenbury agreed to visit the area and to see for himself how the development would affect local heritage and environment values.

We will now seek a meeting with Andrew Barr MLA, who also has responsibility for this project, and will extend a similar invitation to him. Both Ministers are also our local members in the ACT Assembly and it is important they are aware of local anxiety about this project and also the proposed establishment of a secure mental health unit at Symonston.

A big thank you to Sue Ross, who has retired as the inaugural secretary of ISCCC. She worked tirelessly to help establish the Council The early years of any organisation are the most difficult and Sue has been a tower of strength. We are pleased that Deborah Price has been elected to occupy this demanding role.

The last Committee meeting of the ISCCC was, as usual, jam-packed with issues of concern to local residents, including issues as diverse as the proposed bicycle path running west along Canberra Avenue from the Monaro Highway, speed limits around schools, heritage call in powers and the lease variation charge at the Brumbies’ site in Griffith. These meetings, usually held on the second Tuesday of every month, are open to the public and details can be found at our website

Finally, ISCCC is now cautiously entering the world of social media and you can find us on Facebook and Twitter (InnerSouthACT). Watch out for posts and tweets!

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