Inner South Canberra District Planning Strategy – ISCCC 2021
The ISCCC has produced this District Planning Strategy to contribute to the ACT Government’s review of the ACT’s Planning system.
The Inner South District is able to accommodate a further 12,000 people by 2040 and this can be achieved without recourse to multiple dwellings on blocks in RZ1. We are already on track with high rise developments either underway or proposed throughout the District. The new suburb of East Lake and the Dairy Road development in Fyshwick herald an era of sustainability in design concept.
Residents in our District value the existing character and want our streetscapes, wide setbacks, open spaces, parks and heritage places retained and maintained. There is great concern about the level of urban infill, some 45% in 2017 throughout the Inner South with 89% in Kingston.
We have analysed data from an ISCCC survey of 555 residents conducted in 2019-20 and the 2021 District Planning community engagement with 30 respondents and 126 representations to the Have Your Say. Our strategy proposes actions in all of the Strategic Directions under the five Themes originating from the ACT Planning Strategy 2018.
We welcome your comments on this strategy. Our understanding is that, in the first half of 2022, the ACT Government hopes to provide the opportunity for public comment on its proposed changes to the legislative instruments of the Territory Plan and the Planning and Development Act. After this, the Government will produce its own 2022 District Planning Strategies for each district and there will be further opportunity for public submission at that time.