To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Residents have their say on climate change and urban forest issues at ISCCC Public Forum on 8 October 2019

Inner south residents attending the ISCCC’s public forum on 8 October 2019 asked quite a few questions in response to presentations from the National Capital Authority CEO Sally Barnes, Climate Change Minister Shane Rattenbury, and ANU Forestry Professor Peter Kanowski about climate change, urban forest and other living infrastructure issues.…

Report on ISCCC Public Forum 11 June 2019: What’s the latest on planning for areas of intense urban infill?

Almost 100 people attended the ISCCC’s public forum on 11 June to hear presentations and have their say on planning for areas of intense urban infill, other strategic planning issues, housing initiatives, city services issues, and proposals for Fyshwick freight and waste facilities.

Record of Meeting – Proposed Fyshwick Waste to Energy Incinerator

ISCCC Public Forum on the proposed Fyshwick Waste to Energy Incinerator, including; Record of the ISCCC Public Forum on the proposed waste to energy incinerator; Presentation by Adam Perry, Capital Recycling Solutions; Responses by Capital Recycling Solutions to questions posed by ISCCC prior to forum; Speaking notes by Dr Leo Dobes, President Griffith Narrabundah Community Association

Annual Report to AGM 17th November 2016

The ISCCC has had another eventful year addressing issues such as the proposed Manuka precinct development, various heritage interests, assisting the development of a new residents group for Forrest, making a number of submissions to both the National Capital Authority and the ACT Government. Public forums were held on the…