Protests over Deakin McMansions
From Canberra Times 3 January 2013 Planning codes permitting over-scaled new homes in inner Canberra serve individual self-interest ahead of community interest, says the Deakin Residents Association. More…
The ISCCC takes on matters on behalf of its Member Groups that impact on the inner south Canberra area.
From Canberra Times 3 January 2013 Planning codes permitting over-scaled new homes in inner Canberra serve individual self-interest ahead of community interest, says the Deakin Residents Association. More…
The ISCCC has written to the Chief Minister on 30 November 2012 seeking more ACT Government involvement to ensure a good planning result for Oaks Estate. More (PDF 6.2Mb)… The ISCCC also published a letter in the Canberra Times
Letter to the Editor, Canberra Times Canberra is a relatively new city and it is vital we protect our comparatively few heritage precincts for the benefit of future generations.
From City Chronicle 11 December 2012 Work will soon begin to improve the traffic safety measures on Flinders Way… City Chronicle 11 December 2012
The ACT Government is currently undertaking a project designed to develop a cycle network that will enable more people to ride a bike for exercise, recreation and travel to and from work and school and improve capacity for all users. To date, thanks to your input, preliminary options for strategically…
From City Chronicle 4 December 2012 Racist submissions about the proposal to make Stirling Ridge a site for diplomatic estates have been condemned by the National Capital Authority as sinister. City Chronicle 4/12/12
from Canberra Times 29 November 2012 A Supreme Court judge has thrown out a challenge to the government’s contentious proposal to curtail rights of appeal in the Kingston Foreshore precinct. Last year, Planning Minister Simon Corbell moved to ban third-party planning appeals to the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal for…
From Canberra Times 29 November 2012 Member for Canberra Gai Brodtmann has succeeded in initiating a wide-reaching inquiry into the management of diplomatic estates in the ACT. The Labor backbencher sought and secured agreement from the National Capital and External Territories Committee, of which she is a member, for the…
from Canberra Times 1 December 2012 Two of the 13 speed bumps or ”speed cushions” will be removed from Flinders Way in Griffith after a review found they were not effective in reducing speed. The modifications – which also include reducing others in size to improve bicycle safety – are…
From Canberra Times 4 December 2012 Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke says developers on land of national significance who do not refer their projects for Commonwealth environmental scrutiny risk serious penalties.
The ISCCC provided preliminary comments in a submission to the National Capital Authority on 28 October 2011, in response to its call for comments on the Review of the National Capital Open Space System (NCOSS). The ISCCC requested that they are kept informed of further opportunities for consultation.
The ISCCC provided a submission to the ACT Government on 2 March 2012, in response to the call for comments on the ‘Weathering the Change’ Draft Action Plan 2. In its extensive and detailed submission, the ISCCC states that it supports actions that will lead to the community being better…