The ISCCC provided a submission to the ACT Government on 2 March 2012, in response to the call for comments on the ‘Weathering the Change’ Draft Action Plan 2. In its extensive and detailed submission, the ISCCC states that it supports actions that will lead to the community being better able to cope with adverse climate change impacts in the future. Such actions should include those which will help the community make practical changes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ward off future cost increases in areas that respond to climate change, such as increasing costs of fuel, electricity and water.
To assist in achieving this, the community needs a lot more information to be made readily available and in a manner that can be assimilated easily.
We understand the reservations provided about the costings in DAP2 and would like to see further information on this as pathways, strategies and actions are progressed so that we can see that the overall best cost options are being pursued. What the community must be able to see and understand are the cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness data and accompanying narrative, not the „raw‟ (lowest) cost – the quality and achievement of environmental objectives are paramount.