To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Record of Public Forum – 12 July 2022


ISCCC MeetingPlace Plan and Planning for East Lake 

Social Housing Issues

  • Geoff Aigner, Executive Branch Manager, Housing ACT: “The Growing and Renewing Public Housing Program” (click for presentation)
  • Emma Campbell, CEO ACT Council of Social Service: “Vulnerability and injustice in a ‘progressive’ jurisdiction.”
  • Jon Stanhope, former ACT Chief Minister: “Issues raised by the program of ACT public housing tenant evictions”
  • Khalid Ahmed, Adjunct Professor, Institute of Government and Policy Analysis, University of Canberra, and former senior ACT Government Treasury official: “Public housing stock over time and performance, and financial arrangements for the stock renewal” (click for presentation)
  • David Denham, President, Griffith Narrabundah Community Association:“Public housing in inner south Canberra and issues with the current system” (click for presentation)
  • Summary of issues raised in discussion on public housing (click for summary)

Meeting Video

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