Thank you to everyone who attended the first General Meeting of the Inner South Canberra Community Council which established the Council and adopted a Constitution.
Since then the new Committee has been busy getting administrative matters in order and planning the next 12 month’s activities. Please see mail, ABN and contact details below. The Council has now been established as an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1991.
The Council has received significant media attention, including a front page article in the Canberra Chronicle. Decision makers have already started to consult the Council on key matters but there is a long way to go to ensure that the views of Inner South residents are sought as a matter of course.
The Committee has a number of initiatives under way. One of these is the proposed formation of an advisory group of experts in fields such as planning, architecture and heritage, to provide it with access to a source of professional advice. Another is initiation of regular liaison on matters of joint concern with the Council’s sister community councils around Canberra.
Public Meeting
The first Public Meeting of the ISCCC will be held at 7pm, Tuesday, 14 September, at Eastlake Football Club, 3 Oxley Street, Griffith. The meeting will feature a ‘Canberra Conversation’ on Planning & Development Issues. Invitations have been sent to representatives of the ACT Government, ACTPLA and the NCA to discuss existing development and land use proposals for the Inner South, and those yet to be announced. Points of discussion include the following:
- What is the optimum population level for the ACT and how does the Government sees its role in facilitating residential growth to meet population projections?
- What areas of the ACT would the ACT Government rule out (or not) for development?
- Proposed legislative changes should be designed to facilitate fair consideration of development proposals from both the developers’ perspective and the view of the wider community
- Proposed and possible developments from new Molonglo through the Inner South to Symonston
- An overview of proposed and future possible development in the Parliamentary Triangle, and on major arterial roads in the Inner South area (e.g. Adelaide, Canberra and Wentworth Avenues).