The proposed “Manuka Green’ development looks like being the next ‘Brickworks’ issue for Inner South Canberra.
Major concerns raised to date are the potential demolition of heritage buildings, an influx of 1,000 new apartments (2,500 new residents) with only 1 car park per apartment that will encroach on the Manuka Pool lawns impacting amenity and accessibility to the pool, new retail space in the Manuka Oval precinct to be the same size as the existing Manuka shopping precinct, up to 9 storey buildings, and in excess of 4,000 additional car movements per day around the oval precinct due to residents and 2000+ workers. The construction phase for the unsolicited bid is proposed to take 10 years.
If the proposal goes ahead the seating for Manuka Oval will not increase but remain at 15,000, with the last of the temporary seating to be upgraded and there will also be increased overhead coverage of the seating. However, GSW Giants have stated that at best they may only play one extra game per year in Canberra. There is still no clear understanding of where the practise cricket nets will be located.
We recommend registering on the ‘Manuka green’ website for updates. You can also provide comments until the end of April here.
There is also a specific survey in relation to Manuka Pool.
Manuka Pool Survey – CUSTOMER SERVICE QUALITY SURVEY 2016 – Please help assess the services of Manuka Swimming Pool by filling in this on-line questionnaire.