The ACT Government has now provided high resolution maps, at the ISCCC’s request, so that Inner South residents can have a clearer idea of potential implications of the Government’s draft new Inner South District Strategy.
Click to open Figure 31 highlights (in yellow) Future Investigation Areas that “may be suited to future redevelopment subject to further detailed investigations of factors such as heritage and environmental values, natural hazards, the practicalities of redevelopment, and available infrastructure”.
Click to open Figure 36 highlights (in yellow, pink and red) Urban Character Types that would inform changes to zoning, subject to “further analysis”, including “a consideration of established character, the availability of infrastructure, heritage sites and values, environmentally sensitive areas, and natural hazards such as bushfire risk.”
- General Urban (yellow) – Medium rise up to 3 storey apartment buildings
- Urban Centre (pink) – Medium to high rise up to 6 storeys
- Urban Core (red) – High rise buildings greater than 6 storeySee these and other proposals in relation to the inner south on pages 92-125 in the Government’s draft Inner South District Strategy at: https://hdp-au-prod-app-act-
yoursay-files.s3.ap-southeast- 3097/Draft_Inner_South_ District_Strategy_-_08.11.22. pdf
We’ll done ISCC. Given proposed infill at brickworks and forestry place amounting to 750 homes(1875 new residents and 1175 cars) plus hotel, aged care, offices, restaurants, cafes etc WHY must Yarralumla shoulder the additional and exceptional burden especially in the form of high-rise??? Seems left and right hands in govt have a disconnect!
The proponents of forestry place admit to 200-227 vehicle movements per peak hour and 2000 during the day from Wilf Crane Cres onto Banks St amounting to problematic traffic conditions there which will not be remedied some 1.2 klms from the Novar/Kent Sts signalisation at Adelaide Ave.
Yarralumla is ALREADY at the 30% tree coverage required so will face significant additional soft landscape loss making recent govt tree policy and heat minimisation objectives a mockery. So much for the govts declaration of maintaining the character of the suburb.
So blatantly a money grab to pay for the light rail. The ACT govt is treating the residents of Yarralumla and Deakin with such disregard and contempt. Keep up the good fight!! NO to the new district framework as proposed for Yarralumla and Deakin!!