To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.
Inner South Health Centre for Griffith

Inner South Health Centre for Griffith

Subject: Proposed Inner South Canberra Health Centre

Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA

Minister for Health
ACT Legislative Assembly
196 London Circuit
Canberra ACT 2601

Inner South Health Centre

Dear Minister

I am writing to thank you for your letter of 28 June advising us of the government’s announcement about Blocks 33, 34 and 39 Section 78 Griffith being the government’s preferred site for the proposed Inner South Health Centre. We appreciate the advance notice of the announcement.

The ISCCC has been made aware of the interests and concerns of several stakeholders, including the proprietors of businesses at Griffith shops. Parking, public transport and security are among the issues that will need to be addressed. For example, there are currently no security cameras at Griffith shops despite several break ins at business premises prompting repeated requests for surveillance cameras.

The Griffith Narrabundah Community Association (GNCA), a member of the ISCCC, has a longstanding and keen interest in the potential loss of the Urban Open Space including Throsby Park which members of the association help to maintain. I refer to a GNCA letter from 2005:

The ISCCC looks forward to collaborating with government on the future of this important project. In particular, we anticipate genuine engagement with the residents of the inner south, via the ISCCC, with the aim of achieving a health centre that will be of benefit to our whole community.

Yours Sincerely

Anne Forrest
Acting Chair

Click for details about the ACT Government announcement for the new Inner South Health Care Centre for Griffith