To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Police probe Brumbies deal

Canberra times 25 September 2015 The Inner South Canberra Community Council has welcomed a police review of the Brumbies’ controversial land sale at Griffith, with its chairman saying the whole project had been “a real running sore for the community”  More…

Brumbies development query

In a letter to Minister Corbell about the Brumbies development, the Griffith Narrabundah Community Association queries the definition of ‘density’ in the Territory Plan and the adequacy of flood likelihood studies. More…

Brumbies win at what cost?

From Canberra Times 6 April 2013 Brumbies chief executive Andrew Fagan can be well pleased with Simon Corbell’s decision to use his ministerial call-in powers to approve a development application by the club to build a large apartment complex in Griffith. Final approval for the DA had been more or…

Offer Brumbies a land swap: Residents

The ACT Government should offer the Brumbies a land swap to allow the rugby club to develop 150 units away from the historic Griffith oval, an Assembly committee was told yesterday. The Griffith-Narrabundah Community Association wants the Manuka Occasional Childcare Centre moved to the Brumbies headquarters to retain the community…