Narrabundah Prefab history project: The pre-fabs area of Narrabundah comprised 362 ‘temporary’ homes built in the period 1947 to 1950 to accommodate tradesmen and their families, who came to Canberra to take part in the work needed to get the National Capital up and going after the Second World War. The area, originally comprising twenty-one streets, innovatively named First Street to 21st Street, is now that area of Narrabundah bounded by Matina Street and Kootara Crescent. In February 1978 the original streets were renamed and consolidated into thirteen streets, beginning with Bega Crescent near McMillan Circuit and ending with Nimbin Street adjacent to the Narrabundah Neighbourhood Oval. More…
Westlake: While Westlake as a residential area no longer exists, there is still quite a bit of history documented about this small workers camp which was located in the Stirling Ridge area. More…
East Lake (The Causeway): The Causeway residents describe the sense of community prior to the ACT Government’s proposed development of East Lake and The Causeway. The Government expects to issue a draft variation to the Territory Plan in 2015 and that it will include a comprehensive stakeholder and community engagement process. More…
Public Place Names
The term ‘public place’ includes an avenue, road, street or place that the public are entitled to use, and any unleased land.
Public Place names are made under the Public Place Names Act 1989. The actual names are registered through Disallowable Instruments which are identified by Suburb . A search tool enables you to find information about Canberra’s streets including the founding colonial days and efforts of latter day heroes. You may also discover a family connection to a person commemorated in our street names.
Inner South Canberra Heritage
The ACT Heritage library has a collection of over 8,000 digitised photographs. Electronic copies of some photographs may be purchased from the Library. Photographs and other material should not be reproduced except in accordance with the Heritage Library policies. To see the photos, which can be sorted in various categories, visit
Other materials can be seen at the Heritage Library website at
The National Film and Sound Archives has published a short 17 minute documentary history of Canberra around 1945. It includes people and places that you may recognise. An aerial view of South Canberra starts at about 4 minutes into the film. Download from here.
ArchivesACT. Each month ArchivesACT publishes a ‘Find of the Month’, a novel subject based on files and objects from our archives. More…