To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.
Inner South Canberra Community Council - ISCCC


Priorities for 2024

PRIORITY 1: Advocate for high quality, sustainable planning and design including heritage protection.

PRIORITY 2: Advocate for an integrated and effective transport system.

PRIORITY 3: Advocate for effective and inclusive community engagement and improved social outcomes.

PRIORITY 4: Strengthen ISCCC and member group capacity and capability and improve public understanding of what the ISCCC does.

PRIORITY 5: ACT election 2024 – enable the community to make effective input.

PRIORITY 6: Progress new outreach / inclusion activities.

PRIORITY 7: Examine and if possible, implement dual mode delivery for public meetings.

An over-riding principle for all priorities is mitigating the urban heat island effect.