To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Keep an eye out for ISCCC newsletter in your letterbox

The ISCCC’s latest hardcopy newsletter is being delivered now to inner south households, so keep an eye out for it in your letterbox.

The newsletter provides you with an update on current activities of the ISCCC, its member groups and other inner south organisations. It also provides details of upcoming annual general meetings of the ISCCC and member groups.

Politics in the Pub -20 Sep 20

ACT ELECTION 2020 – Inner South Candidates’ Forum ELECTORATE of KURRAJONG Your chance to meet and hear from CANDIDATES seeking your VOTE Hosted by Genevieve Jacobs, Group Editor – RiotACT – Region Media Group
Sunday 20 September 2020 4:00pm – 6:00pm Harmonie German Club, 49 Jerrabomberra Ave, Narrabundah

Police probe Brumbies deal

Canberra times 25 September 2015 The Inner South Canberra Community Council has welcomed a police review of the Brumbies’ controversial land sale at Griffith, with its chairman saying the whole project had been “a real running sore for the community”  More…

2014 ISCCC Action Plan

The ISCCC Committee has approved the ISCCC’s 2014 Action Plan to achieve strategies in the 2011-2015 ISCCC Strategic Plan. The Action Plan is a working document and may change from time to time during 2014 as priorities change or targets are achieved. The Strategic Plan is updated with progress annually…